【バンドマン全力坂 #98】モルヒネ東京(Vo.ナカヤマユキコ)

【バンドマン全力坂 #98】モルヒネ東京(Vo.ナカヤマユキコ)


【バンドマン全力坂 #98】モルヒネ東京(Vo.ナカヤマユキコ)

“Nakayama Yukiko" popular New Wave TOKYO pop band female singer of “Morphine TOKYO" in Japan.
Activities in the center of Tokyo music and live performance on weapon agnostic to the genre.

2013 to publish the MV of the title song along with the single “Tokyo Night" was released, and mobilizing about 200 people in the record release tour final Shibuya RUIDO K2. The same year in April sold out in delivery / Village Vanguard single “Tokyo Night" at Shimokitazawa shop limited sales start for one week while rookie “Cherry Girl than OTOTOY". Drummer disappeared before in June, joined Ohno Kojiro (dr) is to publish the original MV “flash-back" of Honmakazuki supervision. In addition, in November announced the “loop" group PV Tanaka HiroshiOsamu supervision. Second single “loop" was held his first one-man at the December 1 Shibuya Glad with the nationwide release and causes SOLDOUT.

In April 2014 the [morphine Tokyo but-leg] called I do tour of TOKYOBOOTLEG and national four places. Exposes the original MV “Irohauta" of Honmakazuki supervision, “naked is art" become a hot topic in various places as. In September, a wider range of music to join new guitarist Senor Yamano, further growth is expected.

【Run Up A Hill! — ZENRYOKUZAKA – バンドマン全力坂】
Japanese musicians(singer,guitarist,bassist ,drummer,keyboardist,idol,visual kei,etc… ), and people who love music, are running up hills ZENRYOKU–at full power.
– Japan,song,music,band,rock,J pop,J rock,video –

【ZENRYOKU Runner – 全力走者】
Yukiko Nakayama(Morphine TOKYO) / ナカヤマユキコ(モルヒネ東京)

【Narration – ナレーション】
Tokyo, Minato-ward, a hill in Minami Azabu named Aoki-zaka.
This is a hill that makes you feel like running.



 2013年にシングル『トウキョウナイト』リリースと共に表題曲のMVを公開し、レコ発ツアーファイナル渋谷RUIDO K2では約200人を動員。同年4月「OTOTOYよりチェリーガール」配信/ヴィレッジバンガード下北沢店にてシングル「トウキョウナイト」限定販売開始し新人ながら1週間で完売。6月には前ドラマーが失踪し、オオノコウジロウ(dr)が加入し、ホンマカズキ監修のもとMV「フラッシュバック」を公開。さらに、11月には田中紘治監修のもとPV「ループする」を発表。セカンドシングル『ループする』を全国リリースと共に12月1日 渋谷Gladにて初ワンマンを開催しSOLDOUTさせる。


【バンドマン全力坂 #98】モルヒネ東京(Vo.ナカヤマユキコ)

【バンドマン全力坂 #98】モルヒネ東京(Vo.ナカヤマユキコ)